Publications: Ramesh Lab
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Ravichandran, J, A.K Yadav, W Siemons, M.A McGuire, V Wu, A Vailionis, A Majumdar, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Size effects on thermoelectricity in a strongly correlated oxide."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
85 (2012). DOI
Kleibeuker, J.E, B Kuiper, S Harkema, D.H.A Blank, G Koster, G Rijnders, P Tinnemans, E Vlieg, P.B Rossen, W Siemons, G Portale, J Ravichandran, J.M Szepieniec, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Structure of singly terminated polar DyScO 3 (110) surfaces."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
85 (2012). DOI
Maksymovych, P, A.N Morozovska, P Yu, E.A Eliseev, Y.-H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.P Baddorf, and S.V Kalinin."Tunable metallic conductance in ferroelectric nanodomains."Nano Letters
12 (2012) 209-213. DOI
Maksymovych, P, M Huijben, M Pan, S Jesse, N Balke, Y.-H Chu, H.J Chang, A.Y Borisevich, A.P Baddorf, G Rijnders, D.H.A Blank, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S.V Kalinin."Ultrathin limit and dead-layer effects in local polarization switching of BiFeO 3."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
85 (2012). DOI
Kim, Y.-M, A Hatt, A Kumar, I Ivanov, A Morozovska, A Tselev, Y.H Chu, P Yu, M.D Biegalski, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, E Eliseev, S.J Pennycook, J Rondinelli, S.V Kalinin, and A.Y Borisevich."Unconventional Antiferroelectric Phase Stabilization in Thin Film BiFeO3 by Interface-Induced Rotoelectric Coupling Effect."Microscopy and Microanalysis
18 (2012) 412-413. DOI
Lee, B.Y, J Zhang, C Zueger, W.-J Chung, S.Y Yoo, E Wang, J Meyer, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S.-W Lee."Virus-based piezoelectric energy generation."Nature Nanotechnology
7 (2012) 351-356. DOI
Chi, M, T Mizoguchi, L.W Martin, J.P Bradley, H Ikeno, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, I Tanaka, and N Browning."Atomic and electronic structures of the SrVO3-LaAlO3 interface."Journal of Applied Physics
110 (2011). DOI
Chiu, Y.-P, Y.-T Chen, B.-C Huang, M.-C Shih, J.-C Yang, Q He, C.-W Liang, J Seidel, Y.-C Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Y.-H Chu."Atomic-scale evolution of local electronic structure across multiferroic domain walls."Advanced Materials
23 (2011) 1530-1534. DOI
Chang, H.J, S.V Kalinin, A.N Morozovska, M Huijben, Y.-H Chu, P Yu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, E.A Eliseev, G.S Svechnikov, S.J Pennycook, and A.Y Borisevich."Atomically resolved mapping of polarization and electric fields across ferroelectric/oxide interfaces by z-contrast imaging."Advanced Materials
23 (2011) 2474-2479. DOI
Singh-Bhalla, G, C Bell, J Ravichandran, W Siemons, Y Hikita, S Salahuddin, A.F Hebard, H.Y Hwang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Built-in and induced polarization across LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 heterojunctions."Nature Physics
7 (2011) 80-86. DOI
Ko, K.-T, M.H Jung, Q He, J.H Lee, C.S Woo, K Chu, J Seidel, B.-G Jeon, Y.S Oh, K.H Kim, W.-I Liang, H.-J Chen, Y.-H Chu, Y.H Jeong, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.-H Park, and C.-H Yang."Concurrent transition of ferroelectric and magnetic ordering near room temperature."Nature Communications
2 (2011). DOI
Polking, M.J, H Zheng, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.P Alivisatos."Controlled synthesis and size-dependent polarization domain structure of colloidal germanium telluride nanocrystals."Journal of the American Chemical Society
133 (2011) 2044-2047. DOI
Polomoff, N.A, A Rakin, S Lee, V Palumbo, P Yu, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and B.D Huey."Correlation between nanoscale and nanosecond resolved ferroelectric domain dynamics and local mechanical compliance."Journal of Applied Physics
109 (2011). DOI
Kantner, C.L.S, M.C Langner, W Siemons, J.L Blok, G Koster, A.J.H.M Rijnders, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J Orenstein."Determination of the spin-flip time in ferromagnetic SrRuO3 from time-resolved Kerr measurements."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
83 (2011). DOI
Wu, C.-L, P.-W Lee, Y.-C Chen, L.-Y Chang, C.-H Chen, C.-W Liang, P Yu, Q He, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Y.-H Chu."Direct spectroscopic evidence of charge reversal at the Pb(Zr 0.2Ti0.8)O3/La0.7Sr 0.3MnO3 heterointerface."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
83 (2011). DOI
Maksymovych, P, J Seidel, Y.H Chu, P Wu, A.P Baddorf, L.-Q Chen, S.V Kalinin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Dynamic conductivity of ferroelectric domain walls in BiFeO3."Nano Letters
11 (2011) 1906-1912. DOI
Seidel, J, D Fu, S.-Y Yang, E Alarcón-Lladó, J Wu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Joel W Ager."Efficient photovoltaic current generation at ferroelectric domain walls."Physical Review Letters
107 (2011). DOI
Heron, J.T, M Trassin, K Ashraf, M Gajek, Q He, S.Y Yang, Y.-H Chu, S Salahuddin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric-field-induced magnetization reversal in a ferromagnet-multiferroic heterostructure."Physical Review Letters
107 (2011). DOI
He, Q, Y.-H Chu, J.T Heron, S.Y Yang, W.I Liang, C.Y Kuo, H.J Lin, P Yu, C.W Liang, R.J Zeches, W.C Kuo, J.Y Juang, C.T Chen, E Arenholz, A Scholl, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electrically controllable spontaneous magnetism in nanoscale mixed phase multiferroics."Nature Communications
2 (2011). DOI
Khan, A. Islam, D Bhowmik, P Yu, S. Joo Kim, X Pan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Salahuddin."Experimental evidence of ferroelectric negative capacitance in nanoscale heterostructures."Applied Physics Letters
99 (2011). DOI
Zhou, S.Y, Y Zhu, M.C Langner, Y.-D Chuang, P Yu, W.L Yang, A.G Gonzalez, N Tahir, M Rini, Y.-H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, D.-H Lee, Y Tomioka, Y Tokura, Z Hussain, and R.W Schoenlein."Ferromagnetic enhancement of CE-type spin ordering in (Pr,Ca)MnO 3."Physical Review Letters
106 (2011). DOI
Baek, S.H, J Park, D.M Kim, V.A Aksyuk, R.R Das, S.D Bu, D.A Felker, J Lettieri, V Vaithyanathan, S.S.N Bharadwaja, N Bassiri-Gharb, Y.B Chen, H.P Sun, C.M Folkman, H.W Jang, D.J Kreft, S.K Streiffer, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, X.Q Pan, S Trolier-McKinstry, D.G Schlom, M.S Rzchowski, R.H Blick, and C.B Eom."Giant piezoelectricity on Si for hyperactive MEMS."Science
334 (2011) 958-961. DOI
Zhang, J.X, B Xiang, Q He, J Seidel, R.J Zeches, P Yu, S.Y Yang, C.H Wang, Y.-H Chu, L.W Martin, A.M Minor, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Large field-induced strains in a lead-free piezoelectric material."Nature Nanotechnology
6 (2011) 98-102. DOI
Fan, W, J Cao, J Seidel, Y Gu, J.W Yim, C Barrett, K.M Yu, J Ji, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L.Q Chen, and J Wu."Large kinetic asymmetry in the metal-insulator transition nucleated at localized and extended defects."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
83 (2011). DOI
Zhang, J.X, Q He, M Trassin, W Luo, D Yi, M.D Rossell, P Yu, L You, C.H Wang, C.Y Kuo, J.T Heron, Z Hu, R.J Zeches, H.J Lin, A Tanaka, C.T Chen, L.H Tjeng, Y.-H Chu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Microscopic origin of the giant ferroelectric polarization in tetragonal-like BiFeO3."Physical Review Letters
107 (2011). DOI