X Author: A Stanishevsky
Nagarajan, V, A Stanishevsky, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric nanostructures via a modified focused ion beam technique."Nanotechnology
17 (2006) 338-343. DOI
Nagarajan, V, A Roytburd, A Stanishevsky, S Prasertchoung, T Zhao, L Chen, J Melngailis, O Auciello, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Dynamics of ferroelastic domains in ferroelectric thin films."Nature Materials
2 (2003) 43-47. DOI
Nagarajan, V, C.S Ganpule, A Stanishevsky, B.T Liu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale phenomena in synthetic functional oxide heterostructures."Microscopy and Microanalysis
8 (2002) 333-349. DOI
Stanishevsky, A, B Nagaraj, J Melngailis, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L Khriachtchev, and E McDaniel."Radiation damage and its recovery in focused ion beam fabricated ferroelectric capacitors."Journal of Applied Physics
92 (2002) 3275-3278. DOI
Nagarajan, V, A Stanishevsky, L Chen, T Zhao, B.-T Liu, J Melngailis, A.L Roytburd, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Finder, Z Yu, R Droopad, and K Eisenbeiser."Realizing intrinsic piezoresponse in epitaxial submicron lead zirconate titanate capacitors on Si."Applied Physics Letters
81 (2002) 4215-4217. DOI
Tiedke, S, T Schmitz, K Prume, A Roelofs, T Schneller, U Kall, R Waser, C.S Ganpule, V Nagarajan, A Stanishevsky, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Direct hysteresis measurements of single nanosized ferroelectric capacitors contacted with an atomic force microscope."Applied Physics Letters
79 (2001) 3678-3680. DOI
Ganpule, C.S, A.L Roytburd, V Nagarajan, A Stanishevsky, J Melngailis, E.D Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale electromechanical phenomena in ferroelectric thin films."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
655 (2001) XVI-XVII.
Aggarwal, S, C Ganpule, I.G Jenkins, B Nagaraj, A Stanishevsky, J Melngailis, E Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."High density ferroelectric memories: Materials, processing and scaling."Integrated Ferroelectrics
28 (2000) 213-225. DOI
Steinhauer, D.E, C.P Vlahacos, F.C Wellstood, S.M Anlage, C Canedy, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A Stanishevsky, and J Melngailis."Quantitative imaging of dielectric permittivity and tunability with a near-field scanning microwave microscope."Review of Scientific Instruments
71 (2000) 2751-2758. DOI
Steinhauer, D.E, C.P Vlahacos, F.C Wellstood, S.M Anlage, C Canedy, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A Stanishevsky, and J Melngailis."Imaging of microwave permittivity, tunability, and damage recover in (Ba, Sr)TiO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 3180-3182. DOI
Ganpule, C.S, A Stanishevsky, S Aggarwal, J Melngailis, E Williams, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V Joshi, and C. Paz De Araujo."Scaling of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/Pt thin films."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 3874-3876. DOI
Ganpule, C.S, A Stanishevsky, Q Su, S Aggarwal, J Melngailis, E Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Scaling of ferroelectric properties in thin films."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 409-411. DOI
Stanishevsky, A, S Aggarwal, A.S Prakash, J Melngailis, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Focused ion-beam patterning of nanoscale ferroelectric capacitors."Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures
16 (1998) 3899-3902.