X Author: Ramamoorthy Ramesh
Kumar, A, S Denev, R.J Zeches, E Vlahos, N.J Podraza, A Melville, D.G Schlom, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and V Gopalan."Probing mixed tetragonal/rhombohedral-like monoclinic phases in strained bismuth ferrite films by optical second harmonic generation."Applied Physics Letters
97 (2010). DOI
Holcomb, M.B, L.W Martin, A Scholl, Q He, P Yu, C.-H Yang, S.Y Yang, P.-A Glans, M Valvidares, M Huijben, J.B Kortright, J Guo, Y.-H Chu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Probing the evolution of antiferromagnetism in multiferroics."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
81 (2010). DOI
Scullin, M.L, J Ravichandran, C Yu, M Huijben, J Seidel, A Majumdar, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Pulsed laser deposition-induced reduction of SrTiO3 crystals."Acta Materialia
58 (2010) 457-463. DOI
Oh, Y.S, S Crane, H Zheng, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and K.H Kim."Quantitative determination of anisotropic magnetoelectric coupling in BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures."Applied Physics Letters
97 (2010). DOI
Wu, S.M, S.A Cybart, P Yu, M.D Rossell, J.X Zhang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and R.C Dynes."Reversible electric control of exchange bias in a multiferroic field-effect device."Nature Materials
9 (2010) 756-761. DOI
Huang, C.W, Y.H Chu, Z.H Chen, J Wang, T Sritharan, Q He, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and L Chen."Strain-driven phase transitions and associated dielectric/piezoelectric anomalies in BiFeO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
97 (2010). DOI
Borisevich, A.Y, H.J Chang, M Huijben, M.P Oxley, S Okamoto, M.K Niranjan, J.D Burton, E.Y Tsymbal, Y.H Chu, P Yu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.V Kalinin, and S.J Pennycook."Suppression of octahedral tilts and associated changes in electronic properties at epitaxial oxide heterostructure interfaces."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Pantel, D, Y.-H Chu, L.W Martin, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, D Hesse, and M Alexe."Switching kinetics in epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films."Journal of Applied Physics
107 (2010). DOI
Ravichandran, J, W Siemons, J Kardel, H Heijmerikx, A Chari, D Oh, D Cahill, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A Majumdar."Thermoelectricity of double doped strontium titanate."2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 14
4 (2010) 839-843. DOI
Xu, X.S, J.F Ihlefeld, J.H Lee, O.K Ezekoye, E Vlahos, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V Gopalan, X.Q Pan, D.G Schlom, and J.L Musfeldt."Tunable band gap in Bi (Fe1-x Mnx) O3 films."Applied Physics Letters
96 (2010). DOI
Benatmane, N, S.P Crane, F Zavaliche, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T.W Clinton."Voltage-dependent ferromagnetic resonance in epitaxial multiferroic nanocomposites."Applied Physics Letters
96 (2010). DOI
Zeches, R.J, M.D Rossell, J.X Zhang, A.J Hatt, Q He, C.-H Yang, A Kumar, C.H Wang, A Melville, C Adamo, G Sheng, Y.-H Chu, J.F Ihlefeld, R Erni, C Ederer, V Gopalan, L.Q Chen, D.G Schldin, N.A Spaldin, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."A strain-driven morphotropic phase boundary in bifeO3."Science
326 (2009) 977-980. DOI
Seidel, J, L.W Martin, Q He, Q Zhan, Y.-H Chu, A Rother, M.E Hawkridge, P Maksymovych, P Yu, M Gajek, N Balke, S.V Kalinin, S Gemming, F Wang, G Catalan, J.F Scott, N.A Spaldin, J Orenstein, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics."Nature Materials
8 (2009) 229-234. DOI
Maksymovych, P, N Balke, S Jesse, M Huijben, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.P Baddorf, and S.V Kalinin."Defect-induced asymmetry of local hysteresis loops on BiFeO3 surfaces."Journal of Materials Science
44 (2009) 5095-5101. DOI
Balke, N, S Choudhury, S Jesse, M Huijben, Y.H Chu, A.P Baddorf, L.Q Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S.V Kalinin."Deterministic control of ferroelastic switching in multiferroic materials."Nature Nanotechnology
4 (2009) 868-875. DOI
Jang, H.W, D Ortiz, S.-H Baek, C.M Folkman, R.R Das, P Shafer, Y H Chen, C.T Nelson, X Pan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-B Eom."Domain engineering for enhanced ferroelectric properties of epitaxial (001) BiFeO thin films."Advanced Materials
21 (2009) 817-823. DOI
Yang, C.-H, J Seidel, S.Y Kim, P.B Rossen, P Yu, M Gajek, Y.H Chu, L.W Martin, M.B Holcomb, Q He, P Maksymovych, N Balke, S.V Kalinin, A.P Baddorf, S.R Basu, M.L Scullin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric modulation of conduction in multiferroic Ca-doped BiFeO 3 films."Nature Materials
8 (2009) 485-493. DOI
Miller, L.M, C.C Ho, P.C Shafer, P.K Wright, J.W Evans, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Integration of a low frequency, tunable MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester and a thick film micro capacitor as a power supply system for wireless sensor nodes."2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2009
(2009) 2627-2634. DOI
Chang, H.J, A.Y Borisevich, N Balke, S.V Kalinin, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M Huijben, and S.J Pennycook."Interfacial structure in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films."Microscopy and Microanalysis
15 (2009) 1028-1029. DOI
Maksymovych, P, S Jesse, M Huijben, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A Morozovska, S Choudhury, L.-Q Chen, A.P Baddorf, and S.V Kalinin."Intrinsic nucleation mechanism and disorder effects in polarization switching on ferroelectric surfaces."Physical Review Letters
102 (2009). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, N.J Podraza, X.S Xu, R.C Rai, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, E Saiz, J.F Ihlefeld, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Orenstein, J.L Musfeldt, and V Gopalan."Magnon sidebands and spin-charge coupling in bismuth ferrite probed by nonlinear optical spectroscopy."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
79 (2009). DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy."Materials science: Emerging routes to multiferroics."Nature
461 (2009) 1218-1219. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, and N.A Spaldin."Multiferroics: Progress and prospects in thin films."Nanoscience and Technology: A Collection of Reviews from Nature Journals
(2009) 20-28. DOI
Chu, Y.-H, Q He, C.-H Yang, P Yu, L.W Martin, P Shafer, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale control of domain architectures in BiFeO 3 thin films."Nano Letters
9 (2009) 1726-1730. DOI
Langner, M.C, C.L.S Kantner, Y.H Chu, L.M Martin, P Yu, J Seidel, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J Orenstein."Observation of ferromagnetic resonance in SrRuO3 by the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect."Physical Review Letters
102 (2009). DOI