X Author: D Ortiz
Jang, H.W, D Ortiz, S.-H Baek, C.M Folkman, R.R Das, P Shafer, Y H Chen, C.T Nelson, X Pan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-B Eom."Domain engineering for enhanced ferroelectric properties of epitaxial (001) BiFeO thin films."Advanced Materials
21 (2009) 817-823. DOI
Jang, H.W, S.H Baek, D Ortiz, C.M Folkman, C.B Eom, Y.H Chu, P Shafer, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V Vaithyanathan, and D.G Schlom."Epitaxial (001) BiFe O3 membranes with substantially reduced fatigue and leakage."Applied Physics Letters
92 (2008). DOI
Jang, H.W, S.H Baek, D Ortiz, C.M Folkman, R.R Das, Y.H Chu, J.X Zhang, V Vaithyanathan, S Choudhury, Y.B Chen, X.Q Pan, D.G Schlom, L.Q Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.B Eom."Strain tunability of spontaneous polarization and enhanced ferroelectric properties in epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 thin films."IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics
3 (2008). DOI
Jang, H.W, S.H Baek, D Ortiz, C.M Folkman, R.R Das, Y.H Chu, P Shafer, J.X Zhang, S Choudhury, V Vaithyanathan, Y.B Chen, D.A Felker, M.D Biegalski, M.S Rzchowski, X.Q Pan, D.G Schlom, L.Q Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.B Eom."Strain-induced polarization rotation in epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 thin films."Physical Review Letters
101 (2008). DOI