X Author: C Ganpule
Roelofs, A, N.A Pertsev, R Waser, F Schlaphof, L.M Eng, C Ganpule, V Nagarajan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Depolarizing-field-mediated 180° switching in ferroelectric thin films with 90° domains."Applied Physics Letters
80 (2002) 1424-1426. DOI
Wang, Y, C Ganpule, B.T Liu, H Li, K Mori, B Hill, M Wuttig, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Finder, Z Yu, R Droopad, and K Eisenbeiser."Epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films on Si using SrTiO3 template layers."Applied Physics Letters
80 (2002) 97-99. DOI
Schmitz, T, K Prume, S Tiedke, A Roelofs, T Schneller, U Kall, M Grossmann, R Waser, C Ganpule, A Stanishefsky, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electrical measurements on capacitor sizes in the submicron regime for the characterization of real memory cell capacitors."Integrated Ferroelectrics
37 (2001) 163-172. DOI
Aggarwal, S, C Ganpule, I.G Jenkins, B Nagaraj, A Stanishevsky, J Melngailis, E Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."High density ferroelectric memories: Materials, processing and scaling."Integrated Ferroelectrics
28 (2000) 213-225. DOI