X Author: A.J Millis
Shinde, S.R, S.B Ogale, J.S Higgins, H Zheng, A.J Millis, V.N Kulkarni, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R.L Greene, and T Venkatesan."Co-occurrence of superparamagnetism and anomalous hall effect in highly reduced cobalt-doped rutile TiO2-δ films."Physical Review Letters
92 (2004) 166601-1-166601-4. DOI
Wu, T, S.B Ogale, J.E Garrison, B Nagaraj, A Biswas, Z Chen, R.L Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, and A.J Millis."Electroresistance and electronic phase separation in mixed-valent manganites."Physical Review Letters
86 (2001) 5998-6001. DOI
Ogale, S.B, Y.H Li, M Rajeswari, L.S Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, A.J Millis, R Kumar, G.K Mehta, R Bathe, and S.I Patil."Columnar defect induced phase transformation in epitaxial La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films."Journal of Applied Physics
87 (2000) 4210-4215. DOI