X Author: R.W Schoenlein
Koralek, J.D, D Meier, J.P Hinton, A Bauer, S.A Parameswaran, A Vishwanath, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R.W Schoenlein, C Pfleiderer, and J Orenstein."Observation of coherent helimagnons and gilbert damping in an itinerant magnet."Physical Review Letters
109 (2012). DOI
Zhou, S.Y, Y Zhu, M.C Langner, Y.-D Chuang, P Yu, W.L Yang, A.G Gonzalez, N Tahir, M Rini, Y.-H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, D.-H Lee, Y Tomioka, Y Tokura, Z Hussain, and R.W Schoenlein."Ferromagnetic enhancement of CE-type spin ordering in (Pr,Ca)MnO 3."Physical Review Letters
106 (2011). DOI