X Author: P.L Yang
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Chu, Y.H, L.W Martin, Q Zhan, P.L Yang, M.P Cruz, K Lee, M Barry, S.Y Yang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Fridkin V, Ducharme S, Kleemann W, and Ishibashi Y."Epitaxial multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films: Progress and future directions."Ferroelectrics
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Chu, Y.H, T Zhao, M.P Cruz, Q Zhan, P.L Yang, L.W Martin, M Huijben, C.H Yang, F Zavaliche, H Zheng, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric size effects in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
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Cruz, M.P, Y.H Chu, J.X Zhang, P.L Yang, F Zavaliche, Q He, P Shafer, L.Q Chen, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Strain control of domain-wall stability in epitaxial BiFeO3 (110) films."Physical Review Letters
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