X Author: C.-W Liang
He, Q, C.-H Yeh, J.-C Yang, G Singh-Bhalla, C.-W Liang, P.-W Chiu, G Catalan, L.W Martin, Y.-H Chu, J.F Scott, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Magnetotransport at domain walls in BiFeO 3."Physical Review Letters
108 (2012). DOI
Chiu, Y.-P, Y.-T Chen, B.-C Huang, M.-C Shih, J.-C Yang, Q He, C.-W Liang, J Seidel, Y.-C Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Y.-H Chu."Atomic-scale evolution of local electronic structure across multiferroic domain walls."Advanced Materials
23 (2011) 1530-1534. DOI
Wu, C.-L, P.-W Lee, Y.-C Chen, L.-Y Chang, C.-H Chen, C.-W Liang, P Yu, Q He, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and Y.-H Chu."Direct spectroscopic evidence of charge reversal at the Pb(Zr 0.2Ti0.8)O3/La0.7Sr 0.3MnO3 heterointerface."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
83 (2011). DOI
Oh, D.-W, J Ravichandran, C.-W Liang, W Siemons, B Jalan, C.M Brooks, M Huijben, D.G Schlom, S Stemmer, L.W Martin, A Majumdar, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and D.G Cahill."Thermal conductivity as a metric for the crystalline quality of SrTiO 3 epitaxial layers."Applied Physics Letters
98 (2011). DOI