X Author: M.O Ramirez
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, N.J Podraza, X.S Xu, R.C Rai, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, E Saiz, J.F Ihlefeld, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Orenstein, J.L Musfeldt, and V Gopalan."Magnon sidebands and spin-charge coupling in bismuth ferrite probed by nonlinear optical spectroscopy."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
79 (2009). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, R.C Rai, X.S Xue, J.F Ihlefeld, N.J Podraza, E Saiz, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, J Orenstein, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.L Musfeldt, A.P Litvinchuk, and V Gopalan."Spin-charge-lattice coupling through resonant multimagnon excitations in multiferroic BiFe O3."Applied Physics Letters
94 (2009). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, M Krishnamurthi, S Denev, A Kumar, S.-Y Yang, Y.-H Chu, E Saiz, J Seidel, A.P Pyatakov, A Bush, D Viehland, J Orenstein, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and V Gopalan."Two-phonon coupling to the antiferromagnetic phase transition in multiferroic BiFeO3."Applied Physics Letters
92 (2008). DOI