X Author: M Pan
Maksymovych, P, M Huijben, M Pan, S Jesse, N Balke, Y.-H Chu, H.J Chang, A.Y Borisevich, A.P Baddorf, G Rijnders, D.H.A Blank, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S.V Kalinin."Ultrathin limit and dead-layer effects in local polarization switching of BiFeO 3."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
85 (2012). DOI
Maksymovych, P, M Pan, P Yu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.P Baddorf, and S.V Kalinin."Scaling and disorder analysis of local I-V curves from ferroelectric thin films of lead zirconate titanate."Nanotechnology
22 (2011). DOI