X Author: E Wang
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Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, E Wang, L.H Greene, M.S Hegde, and J.-M Tarascon."Electron Microscopy of the Pb-Sr-Ca-Er-Cu-O Superconductor."Journal of Materials Research
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Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, K Luther, B Wilkens, D.L Hart, E Wang, J.M Tarascon, A Inam, X.D Wu, and T Venkatesan."Epitaxial growth of ferroelectric bismuth titanate thin films by pulsed laser deposition."Applied Physics Letters
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Tarascon, J.M, E Wang, S Kivelson, B.G Bagley, G.W Hull, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Magnetic versus nonmagnetic ion substitution effects on Tc in the La-Sr-Cu-O and Nd-Ce-Cu-O systems."Physical Review B
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Tarascon, J.M, Y LePage, W.R McKinnon, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M Eibschutz, E Tselepis, E Wang, and G.W Hull."New non-superconducting modulation-free BiPbSr2MOy phases (M = Co, Mn, Fe) isotypic with the 10 K Bi2Sr2CuOy superconductor."Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications
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Tarascon, J.M, E Wang, L.H Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, B.G Bagley, G.W Hull, P.F Miceli, Z.Z Wang, D Brawner, and N.P Ong."On the the crystal growth and chemistry of the new electron-type superconducting oxides."Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications
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