X Author: C.Y Chen
Hwang, D.M, T.S Ravi, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.-W Chan, C.Y Chen, L Nazar, X.D Wu, A Inam, and T Venkatesan."Application of a near coincidence site lattice theory to the orientations of YBa2Cu3O7-x grains on (001) MgO substrates."Applied Physics Letters
57 (1990) 1690-1692. DOI
Hwang, D.M, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, C.Y Chen, X.D Wu, A Inam, M.S Hegde, B Wilkens, C.C Chang, L Nazar, T Venkatesan, S Miura, S Matsubara, Y Miyasaka, and N Shohata."Epitaxial relations between in situ superconducting YBa2Cu 3O7-x thin films and BaTiO3/MgAl 2O4/Si substrates."Journal of Applied Physics
68 (1990) 1772-1776. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, D Hwang, T.S Ravi, A Inam, J.B Barner, L Nazar, S.W Chan, C.Y Chen, B Dutta, T Venkatesan, and X.D Wu."Epitaxy of Y-Ba-Cu-O thin films grown on single-crystal MgO."Applied Physics Letters
56 (1990) 2243-2245. DOI
Ravi, T.S, D.M Hwang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.W Chan, L Nazar, C.Y Chen, A Inam, and T Venkatesan."Grain boundaries and interfaces in Y-Ba-Cu-O films laser deposited on single-crystal MgO."Physical Review B
42 (1990) 10141-10151. DOI