X Author: A Vishwanath
Chu, J.-H, J F Liu, H Zhang, K Noordhoek, S.C Riggs, M Shapiro, C.R Serro, D Yi, M Mellisa, S.J Suresha, C Frontera, E Arenholz, A Vishwanath, X Marti, I.R Fisher, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Possible scale invariant linear magnetoresistance in pyrochlore iridates Bi2Ir2O7."New Journal of Physics
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Yadav, A.K, C.T Nelson, S.L Hsu, Z Hong, J.D Clarkson, C.M Schlepütz, A.R Damodaran, P Shafer, E Arenholz, L.R Dedon, D Chen, A Vishwanath, A.M Minor, L.Q Chen, J.F Scott, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Erratum: Observation of polar vortices in oxide superlattices (Nature (2016) 530 (198-201) DOI:10.1038/nature16463)."Nature
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Yadav, A.K, C.T Nelson, S.L Hsu, Z Hong, J.D Clarkson, C.M Schlepuëtz, A.R Damodaran, P Shafer, E Arenholz, L.R Dedon, D Chen, A Vishwanath, A.M Minor, L.Q Chen, J.F Scott, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Observation of polar vortices in oxide superlattices."Nature
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Liu, J F, D Kriegner, L Horak, D Puggioni, C. Rayan Serrao, R Chen, D Yi, C Frontera, V Holy, A Vishwanath, J.M Rondinelli, X Marti, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Strain-induced nonsymmorphic symmetry breaking and removal of Dirac semimetallic nodal line in an orthoperovskite iridate."Physical Review B
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Serrao, C. Rayan, J F Liu, J.T Heron, G Singh-Bhalla, Ajay K Yadav, S.J Suresha, R.J Paull, D Yi, J.-H Chu, M Trassin, A Vishwanath, E Arenholz, C Frontera, J Železný, T Jungwirth, X Marti, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Epitaxy-distorted spin-orbit Mott insulator in Sr2IrO 4 thin films."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
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Koralek, J.D, D Meier, J.P Hinton, A Bauer, S.A Parameswaran, A Vishwanath, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R.W Schoenlein, C Pfleiderer, and J Orenstein."Observation of coherent helimagnons and gilbert damping in an itinerant magnet."Physical Review Letters
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