X Author: T Venkatesan
Lorenz, M, M.S Rao, T Venkatesan, E Fortunato, P Barquinha, R Branquinho, D Salgueiro, R Martins, E Carlos, A Liu, F.K Shan, M Grundmann, H Boschker, J Mukherjee, M Priyadarshini, N Dasgupta, D.J Rogers, F.H Teherani, E.V Sandana, P Bove, K Rietwyk, A Zaban, A Veziridis, A Weidenkaff, M Muralidhar, M Murakami, S Abel, J Fompeyrine, J Zuniga-Perez, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, N.A Spaldin, S Ostanin, V Borisov, I Mertig, V Lazenka, G Srinivasan, W Prellier, M Uchida, M Kawasaki, R Pentcheva, P Gegenwart, F. Miletto Granozio, J Fontcuberta, and N Pryds."The 2016 oxide electronic materials and oxide interfaces roadmap."Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
49 (2016). DOI
Dvorak, J, Y.U Idzerda, S.B Ogale, S Shinde, T Wu, T Venkatesan, R Godfrey, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Are strain-induced effects truly strain induced? A comprehensive study of strained LCMO thin films."Journal of Applied Physics
97 (2005). DOI
Zhao, T, S.R Shinde, S.B Ogale, H Zheng, T Venkatesan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S.D Sarma."Electric field effect in diluted magnetic insulator anatase Co: TiO 2."Physical Review Letters
94 (2005). DOI
Shinde, S.R, S.B Ogale, J.S Higgins, H Zheng, A.J Millis, V.N Kulkarni, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R.L Greene, and T Venkatesan."Co-occurrence of superparamagnetism and anomalous hall effect in highly reduced cobalt-doped rutile TiO2-δ films."Physical Review Letters
92 (2004) 166601-1-166601-4. DOI
Shinde, S.R, S.B Ogale, J Higgins, R.J Choudhary, V.N Kulkarni, T Venkatesan, H Zheng, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.V Pogrebnyakov, S.Y Xu, Q Li, X.X Xi, J.M Redwing, and D Kanjilal."Modification of critical current density of MgB 2 films irradiated with 200 MeV Ag ions."Applied Physics Letters
84 (2004) 2352-2354. DOI
Nagaraj, B, T Wu, S.B Ogale, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Interface characterization of all-perovskite oxide field effect heterostructures."Journal of Electroceramics
8 (2002) 233-241. DOI
Wu, T, S.B Ogale, J.E Garrison, B Nagaraj, A Biswas, Z Chen, R.L Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, and A.J Millis."Electroresistance and electronic phase separation in mixed-valent manganites."Physical Review Letters
86 (2001) 5998-6001. DOI
Li, Y.H, M Rajeswari, A Biswasl, D.J Kang, C Sehmen, L Salamanca-Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, Rzchowski M.S, Kawasaki M, Millis A.J, Molnar S, and Rajeswari M."Cation ordering structure in La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
602 (2000) 81-86.
Ogale, S.B, Y.H Li, M Rajeswari, L.S Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, A.J Millis, R Kumar, G.K Mehta, R Bathe, and S.I Patil."Columnar defect induced phase transformation in epitaxial La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films."Journal of Applied Physics
87 (2000) 4210-4215. DOI
Saraf, L.V, S.B Ogale, Z Chen, R.P Godfrey, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Correlation of large dielectric response with the ordering transitions in PR0.67Ca0.33MnO3."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
62 (2000) R11961-R11964. DOI
Wu, T, S.B Ogale, J.E Garrison, B Nagaraj, Z Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, Rzchowski M.S, Kawasaki M, Millis A.J, Molnar S, and Rajeswari M."Deposition and electrical characterization of dielectric/ferromagnetic heterostructure."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
602 (2000) 363-370.
Zhao, Y, Y Li, S Ogale, M Rajeswari, V Smolyaninova, T Wu, A Biswas, L Salamanca-Riba, R Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, and J Scott."Electrical transport and magnetic properties of a possible electron-doped layered manganese oxide."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
61 (2000) 4141-4145. DOI
Subramanyam, G, F.A Miranda, R.R Romanofksy, F.W Van Keuls, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric tunable microstrip Lange coupler for K-band applications."IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest
3 (2000) 1363-1366.
Li, Y.H, L Salamanca-Riba, Y Zhao, S.B Ogale, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Formation of the (La0.67Sr0.33)2MnO4 phase in La-Sr-Mn-O thin films by pulsed laser deposition."Journal of Materials Research
15 (2000) 1524-1527. DOI
Subramanyam, G, F.A Miranda, F Van Keuls, R.R Romanofsky, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Performance of a K-Band Voltage-Controlled Lange Coupler Using a Ferroelectric Tunable Microstrip Configuration."IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters
10 (2000) 136-138. DOI
Robson, M.C, C Kwon, S.E Lofland, S.B Ogale, S.M Bhagat, M Rajeswari, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Room temperature magnetoresistance at low magnetic fields in La0.7Ba0.3MnO3."Journal of Electroceramics
4 (2000) 167-177. DOI
Canedy, C.L, S Aggarwal, H Li, T Venkatesan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, F.W Van Keuls, R.R Romanofsky, and F.A Miranda."Structural and dielectric properties of epitaxial Ba1-xSrxTiO3/Bi4Ti3O 12/ZrO2 heterostructures grown on silicon."Applied Physics Letters
77 (2000) 1523-1525. DOI
Van Keuls, F.W, R.R Romanofsky, N.D Varaljay, F.A Miranda, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."A Ku-band gold/BaxSr1-xTiO3/LaAlO3 conductor/thin-film ferroelectric microstrip line phase shifter for room-temperature communications applications."Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
20 (1999) 53-56. DOI
Subramanyam, G, F.W Van Keuls, F.A Miranda, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Correlation of electric field and critical design parameters for ferroelectric tunable microwave filters."Integrated Ferroelectrics
24 (1999) 273-285. DOI
Shreekala, R, M Rajeswari, R.C Srivastava, K Ghosh, A Goyal, V.V Srinivasu, S.E Lofland, S.M Bhagat, M Downes, R.P Sharma, S.B Ogale, R.L Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, T Venkatesan, R.A Rao, and C.B Eom."Ferromagnetism at room temperature in La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
74 (1999) 1886-1888. DOI
Shreekala, R, M Rajeswari, S.P Pai, S.E Lofland, V Smolyaninova, K Ghosh, S.B Ogale, S.M Bhagat, M.J Downes, R.L Greene, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Improved properties of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films by addition of silver."Applied Physics Letters
74 (1999) 2857-2859. DOI
Shinde, S.R, S.E Lofland, C.S Ganpule, S.M Bhagat, S.B Ogale, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Improvement in spin-wave resonance characteristics of epitaxial barium-ferrite thin films by using an aluminum-doped strontium-ferrite buffer layer."Applied Physics Letters
74 (1999) 594-596. DOI
Ogale, A.S, S.B Ogale, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Octahedral cation site disorder effects on magnetization in double-perovskite Sr2FeMoO6: Monte Carlo simulation study."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 537-539. DOI
Orozco, A, S.B Ogale, Y.H Li, P Fournier, E Li, H Asano, V Smolyaninova, R.L Greene, R.P Sharma, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Oscillatory exchange coupling and giant positive magnetoresistance in TiN/Fe3O4 superlattices."Physical Review Letters
83 (1999) 1680-1683. DOI
Asano, H, S.B Ogale, J Garrison, A Orozco, Y.H Li, E Li, V Smolyaninova, C Galley, M Downes, M Rajeswari, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and T Venkatesan."Pulsed-laser-deposited epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6-y thin films: Positive and negative magnetoresistance regimes."Applied Physics Letters
74 (1999) 3696-3698. DOI