X Author: S Lee
Ko, C, Y Lee, Y H Chen, J Suh, D Fu, A Suslu, S Lee, J.D Clarkson, H.S Choe, S Tongay, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J Wu."Ferroelectrically gated atomically thin transition-metal dichalcogenides as nonvolatile memory."Advanced Materials
28 (2016) 2923-2930. DOI
Krupin, O, G.L Dakovski, B.J Kim, J.W Kim, J Kim, S Mishra, Y.-D Chuang, C.R Serrao, W.-S Lee, W.F Schlotter, M.P Minitti, D Zhu, D Fritz, M Chollet, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.L Molodtsov, and J.J Turner."Ultrafast dynamics of localized magnetic moments in the unconventional Mott insulator Sr2IrO4."Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
28 (2016). DOI
Seidel, J, W Luo, S.J Suresha, P.-K Nguyen, A.S Lee, S.-Y Kim, C.-H Yang, S.J Pennycook, S.T Pantelides, J.F Scott, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Prominent electrochromism through vacancy-order melting in a complex oxide."Nature Communications
3 (2012). DOI
Polomoff, N.A, A Rakin, S Lee, V Palumbo, P Yu, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and B.D Huey."Correlation between nanoscale and nanosecond resolved ferroelectric domain dynamics and local mechanical compliance."Journal of Applied Physics
109 (2011). DOI
Lee, J.-S, D.A Arena, P Yu, C.S Nelson, R Fan, C.J Kinane, S Langridge, M.D Rossell, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-C Kao."Hidden magnetic configuration in epitaxial La1-xSr xMnO3 films."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Yu, P, J.-S Lee, S Okamoto, M.D Rossell, M Huijben, C.-H Yang, Q He, J.X Zhang, S.Y Yang, M.J Lee, Q.M Ramasse, R Erni, Y.-H Chu, D.A Arena, C.-C Kao, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Interface ferromagnetism and orbital reconstruction in BiFeO 3-La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, N.J Podraza, X.S Xu, R.C Rai, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, E Saiz, J.F Ihlefeld, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Orenstein, J.L Musfeldt, and V Gopalan."Magnon sidebands and spin-charge coupling in bismuth ferrite probed by nonlinear optical spectroscopy."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
79 (2009). DOI
Xu, X.S, T.V Brinzari, S Lee, Y.H Chu, L.W Martin, A Kumar, S McGill, R.C Rai, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V Gopalan, S.W Cheong, and J.L Musfeldt."Optical properties and magnetochromism in multiferroic BiFeO3."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
79 (2009). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, R.C Rai, X.S Xue, J.F Ihlefeld, N.J Podraza, E Saiz, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, J Orenstein, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.L Musfeldt, A.P Litvinchuk, and V Gopalan."Spin-charge-lattice coupling through resonant multimagnon excitations in multiferroic BiFe O3."Applied Physics Letters
94 (2009). DOI
Yang, B, S Aggarwal, A.M Dhote, T.K Song, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J.S Lee."La0.5Sr0.5CoO3/Pb(Nb0.04Zr 0.28Ti0.68)O3/La0.5Sr 0.5CoO3 thin film heterostructures on Si using TiN/Pt conducting barrier."Applied Physics Letters
71 (1997) 356-358. DOI