X Author: M.D Rossell
Campanini, M, R Erni, C.-H Yang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and M.D Rossell."Periodic Giant Polarization Gradients in Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films."Nano Letters
18 (2018) 717-724. DOI
Lubk, A, M.D Rossell, J Seidel, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M.J Hÿtch, and E Snoeck."Electromechanical coupling among edge dislocations, domain walls, and nanodomains in BiFeO3 revealed by unit-cell-wise strain and polarization maps."Nano Letters
13 (2013) 1410-1415. DOI
Rossell, M.D, R Erni, M.P Prange, J.-C Idrobo, W Luo, R.J Zeches, S.T Pantelides, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Atomic structure of highly strained BiFeO 3 thin films."Physical Review Letters
108 (2012). DOI
Lubk, A, M.D Rossell, J Seidel, Q He, S.Y Yang, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M.J Hÿtch, and E Snoeck."Evidence of sharp and diffuse domain walls in BiFeO 3 by means of unit-cell-wise strain and polarization maps obtained with high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy."Physical Review Letters
109 (2012). DOI
Yu, P, W Luo, D Yi, J.X Zhang, M.D Rossell, C.-H Yang, L You, G Singh-Bhalla, S.Y Yang, Q He, Q.M Ramasse, R Erni, L.W Martin, Y.H Chu, S.T Pantelides, S.J Pennycook, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Interface control of bulk ferroelectric polarization."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
109 (2012) 9710-9715. DOI
Zhang, J.X, Q He, M Trassin, W Luo, D Yi, M.D Rossell, P Yu, L You, C.H Wang, C.Y Kuo, J.T Heron, Z Hu, R.J Zeches, H.J Lin, A Tanaka, C.T Chen, L.H Tjeng, Y.-H Chu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Microscopic origin of the giant ferroelectric polarization in tetragonal-like BiFeO3."Physical Review Letters
107 (2011). DOI
Yang, S.Y, J Seidel, S.J Byrnes, P Shafer, C.-H Yang, M.D Rossell, P Yu, Y.-H Chu, J.F Scott, Joel W Ager, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Above-bandgap voltages from ferroelectric photovoltaic devices."Nature Nanotechnology
5 (2010) 143-147. DOI
Lee, J.-S, D.A Arena, P Yu, C.S Nelson, R Fan, C.J Kinane, S Langridge, M.D Rossell, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-C Kao."Hidden magnetic configuration in epitaxial La1-xSr xMnO3 films."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Yu, P, J.-S Lee, S Okamoto, M.D Rossell, M Huijben, C.-H Yang, Q He, J.X Zhang, S.Y Yang, M.J Lee, Q.M Ramasse, R Erni, Y.-H Chu, D.A Arena, C.-C Kao, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Interface ferromagnetism and orbital reconstruction in BiFeO 3-La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Wu, S.M, S.A Cybart, P Yu, M.D Rossell, J.X Zhang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and R.C Dynes."Reversible electric control of exchange bias in a multiferroic field-effect device."Nature Materials
9 (2010) 756-761. DOI
Zeches, R.J, M.D Rossell, J.X Zhang, A.J Hatt, Q He, C.-H Yang, A Kumar, C.H Wang, A Melville, C Adamo, G Sheng, Y.-H Chu, J.F Ihlefeld, R Erni, C Ederer, V Gopalan, L.Q Chen, D.G Schldin, N.A Spaldin, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."A strain-driven morphotropic phase boundary in bifeO3."Science
326 (2009) 977-980. DOI