X Author: K.M Rabe
Nagarajan, V, J Junquera, J.Q He, C.L Jia, R Waser, K Lee, Y.K Kim, Sunhee Baik, T Zhao, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Ph Ghosez, and K.M Rabe."Scaling of structure and electrical properties in ultrathin epitaxial ferroelectric heterostructures."Journal of Applied Physics
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Wang, J, J.B Neaton, H Zheng, V Nagarajan, S.B Ogale, B Liu, D Viehland, V Vaithyanathan, D.G Schlom, U.V Waghmare, N.A Spaldin, K.M Rabe, M Wuttig, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Epitaxial BiFeO3 multiferroic thin film heterostructures."Science
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