X Author: C Dai
Hsu, S.-L, M.R McCarter, C Dai, Z Hong, L.-Q Chen, C.T Nelson, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Emergence of the Vortex State in Confined Ferroelectric Heterostructures."Advanced Materials
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Stoica, V.A, N Laanait, C Dai, Z Hong, Y Yuan, Z Zhang, S Lei, M.R McCarter, Ajay K Yadav, A.R Damodaran, S Das, G.A Stone, J Karapetrova, D.A Walko, X Zhang, L.W Martin, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L.-Q Chen, H Wen, V Gopalan, and J.W Freeland."Optical creation of a supercrystal with three-dimensional nanoscale periodicity."Nature Materials
18 (2019) 377-383. DOI